Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Simplicity snowblower engine wont start or run, simplicity snowblower, hp briggs

Bought this used, about 20 yrs old, 8 hp briggs engine#190402 with elcttronic ignition, spark was eradic so I replaced armature.  Unit gets gas.  Starts occasionally, but can't keep it running, popping and dying.  Have had for several months, has always started and run OK, but has recently had to be fully choked to run.    Now it won't run, hardly start.  It gets gas, I disassembled & cleaned the carb w/ cleaner to remove varnish from components, plug wet.  Spark with new armature is there, not overpowering.  I just bought a compression checker to test compression or valve leakage?  Any ideas on whgat to try?  What should cylinder compression be?  Thanks in advance for any help.  My wife was right, should have bought new, shoveled 20" this week.

 Hello Steve:

 If the Carburetor was Soaked and Cleaned Properly, and if you have a Popping you need to Check; 1- the Flywheel Key. The Flywheel MUST be Removed to Check the Key. 2- Check the Compression. Should be Minimum of 70psi to 90psi. Some Engines will Run Below 90psi but will have a Power Loss. If Low Compression, then Check the Valve Clearances. Hope this Helps. i am here if you Require more Assistance. Thanks.

 Good Luck

