Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): 5.5 engine on craftman lawn mower, carburater, throttle arm

the mower is from sears and the model# of the engine is
it needed a carburater so i went to the local branch store for that engine with the model number of the engine it is the very same carburator but dummy me there was one part that i can not find where it goes, the part looks like a pointer and has a piece of steel at the blunt end of it and i think  it may be goes on one of the screw adjustments but i just can't figure out where it goes , now the engine will start and run for about 10 seconds then it dies on me i took the new air filter off and i can see that the float is not stuck, and the full throttle arm works ok but when i move the throttle down while looking inside the air filter it does not move the float at all. im stumpted on where this item goes can you help me figure this one out

 Hello Mark:

 Go to this Addy and Click on the T. Then Select Tecumseh. Then Select Don't have Part Numbers. Then Enter the Model Numbers 143.965504. The Click on the File to Download the Breakdown/IPL. Looking at the Breakdown/IPL can you give me the Diagram Number of the Part about which you are Asking. Thanks.

