Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): assembly, nuts bolts, model numbers

I bought a rally push mower, model no. 96114000104, came with a diagram of all hardware, but no instructions to assemble, who do I ask to get instructions on putting this thing together, or even if i knew what the different screws, nuts, bolts that came with it are each called respectively, then maybe i can do something with it. this is making me crazy.

 Hello Debi:

 Are there Any Other Numbers you can Send me Off of the Mower? What Year Model is this Mower? The Rally is Manufactured by 2 Companies. Murray and AYP make Rally Mowers and the Numbers you sent me dont Match the Data Base for Either Manufacturer. If I can get the Right Model Numbers I can Locate a Breakdown that will Help you in the Assembly of this Mower. Thanks.

