Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Cleaning Solvents, cleaning solvents, gunk

I'm new to working on small engines and I would like some advice on the pest solvent to use to clean parts.  I've been using Gunk, but the fumes just about wipe me out!

 Hello Sneakz:

 Have you Tried Berryman's Carburator Cleaner? I have to Order it from NAPA but you Dont have the Fumes or Vapor you do with Gunk. Also you Dont have to Scrub or Brush the Parts you are Cleaning. I have Also used Tornado Degreaser which is Diluted with Water. Undiluted it Works Well as a Carburator and Parts Cleaner. Again, No Fumes or Vapors. Hope this Helps. Let me know what Happens, Please. Thanks.

 Good Luck

