Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Scotts 1642 Safety System, momentary switches, safety switch

I tried bypassing the reverse safety switch and seat safety switch on my 2000 Scotts 1642 lawn tractor. I installed jumpers thinking the switches were merely momentary switches. When I went to move the tractor after the modifications the tractor stalled when the brake was released. After admitting defeat I removed the jumpers and reconnected the switches, but the tractor still stalls when the brake is released. Is there some sort of relay or diode that has been burned out by bypassing the switches? Is there something that needs to be reset in order for the safety system to work properly?

 Hello Mike:

 Does the Stalling Sound like the Engine is Losing Fuel or Like you just Cut Off the Ignition Switch? Send me the Model Numbers Off of the Mower and Off of the Engine, Please. I can Better Assist you After i see the Diagrams of the Mower and the Engine. Check the Wiring Harness and Watch the Linkage of the Clutch/Brake as it is Moved. The Linkage May be Grounding the Harness. Hope this Helps. Let me know what Happens, Please.

 Good Luck

