Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): craftsman trimmer starter cord, starter rope, pawls

First I would like to thank you for the help alreaady provided, any other advise would be greatly appreciated.  I still have a problem.  The pawls are free, still no compression.  Starter just spins.  If I turn the cutting head by hand, I can hear the pop (compression)from the engine.  I do not get this sound using the pull cord.  From what I can see, the pawls engage, the starter spins but doesn't start the engine.

Followup To

Question -
My craftsman trimmer starter rope pulls out and retracts normally, but does NOT engage the engine.  It appears the clutch isn't engaging.  What could cause his and how difficult is this to repair?  I'm not sure how to get to this assembly

Answer -
If you take a flashlight and look inside near the starter pulley you will see some starter pawls with springs on them.

Many times the pawls will corrode preventing the springs from pushing the out.

You can spray some pentrating oil on the starter pawl area and then use a small screwdriver to GENTLY move the starter pawls to free them.  I've done this many times and it works well.  Do NOT use a large screwdriver or too much pressure to free the pawls; typically it takes very little force to free the stuck pawls.

Let me  know if this helps.

Will the starter turn the engine?  What is model number of the trimmer.

If the pawls are contacting the starter pulley when you pull the string then either the pulley is too wore to "grab" the starter pawls or the flywheel is loose/broke.  A loose flywheel is very, very rare.

Inspect the pulley and starter pawls again and send me the model number so I can look up the trimmer on Sears website.
