Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Gas pouring out of Honda lawnmower carb, honda lawnmower, needle valve

I have a 12-year-old Honda lawnmower that has always worked well. At the close of the season, I always run it until the tank and line is empty. This spring, however, I could not start it. After filling the tank, I noticed gas pouring out of the carb whenever I open the throttle even slightly. Why is this happening? What can I do to fix it?

Hiya Mark!
Your carburator needs a new float needle and seat (or maybe a new float)!  Use a small piece of wire shaped like a hook to pull the seat out of the hole in the fuel bowl under where the needle valve attached to the float goes.  Install the new seat with a Q-tip with the end pulled off (no nicks!).  Install the new needle valve onto the little clip, attach to the float (make sure the float is ok- if it has gas in it-replace it!).  This should take care of it.
Lemme know!