Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): lawn tractor (small engine) not cranking, briggs stratton, hp briggs

12.5 HP Briggs & Stratton weedeater riding tractor not been used for a while.  I started with a new battery but still had to jump from auto and got it started once. went to engage blades and it died and now will not turn over even when jumped. I shorted terminals on the solenoid and it turns overs but does not start so I assume starter is good. I have cleaned/reconnected cables from batt to solenoid to starter. same issue - just a click when turning ignition key. I've also checked all safety kills (seat switch, nuetral, blades disengaged, oil full...) Am about to replace solenoid but am not confident that will fix it.
Does jumping from an auto battery hurt anything?
Should it start when shorting the solenoid contacts? does that hurt anything? Any suggestions?  Thanks

A car battery is too powerful for mowers so I would not recommend using one.

Did you remove the ground cable and clean the connetion where it connects to the mower frame?

Did you remove all the cables and clean the cable ends and the connections with a wirebrush?
Did you remove the solenoid and clean the mounting area?
Do you have a multimeter or 12 volt test light?

If the solenoid only has one small post on it then this is the exciter terminal.  When you turn the key 12 volts should be applied to this post which engages the soleniod.  If you have 12 volts on the exciter when the key is in the start position then either the battery is weak, a dirty connection is the problem or the solenoid is bad.

Will the mower battery start/turn the engine over when you short the solenoid? If the key is in the run position the engine should start when you short the solenoid terminals.

About the only parts you hurt when shorting the soleniod is you screwdriver and the solenoid posts.

Let me know about the questions.