Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): chain driven snowblower, sprocket teeth, driven sprocket

hi Eric,  i have a craftsman snowblower.  It has a belt that comes of the shaft of the moter.  it in turn drives the chain driven sprocket that turns the question is, the chain keeps coming of the sproket.  the sprocket is not warped, nor is there any missing teeth.  if the machine is 12 years old and works pretty hard.  is it possable that the chain is stretched? or lack.

It is possible for chains to stretch.  At the same time the sprocket teeth will usually wear also.  It's often difficult to see sprocket wear until you compare a new and old sprocket.

The chain is probably a common 35 or 40 chain.  You can purchase new chain, fairly cheap at many auto, welding or small engine dealers.

I would try new chain before replacing the sprockets.
Let me know if this helps.