Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Cleaning the Carb, craftsman lawn mower, tank level


It is 6.25HP. The Mower is 3 years old. Spark Plug, Oil and Filter are changed every year. Gas Tank is on the rear side towards handle screwed on top of engine assembly. Gas tank itselt hangs between Engine and Handles.

Carb is on left side at the center and muffler is on left side at front of engine assembly. Carb is just below the Gas tank level.

While explaining the cleaning process in detail it will be helpful if you can give some detail on functions of each component in the carb assembly.


Followup To
Question -
Can you explain in the detail how to clean the carb on craftsman lawn mower?
Answer -
Hi Surendra,

What is the HP?  Is the fuel tank under the carb or connected with fuel line?



You will need to remove the carb and disassemble it.  Keep all the parts in clean and neat order.  Take notes if you need to.  Clean each part and all the small internal openings in the main body.  Probe each and every hole with a small wire.  Blow it out with compressed air.  Adding a carb rebuild kit wouldn't hurt either.
The carb contains needle jets which regulate the air to fuel mixture.  Also a float, needle valve with seat, which keep a reserve amount of fuel in the fuel bowl.  

Let me know how you make out.