Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Blower wont start, stihl bg85, fuel mix

I recently bought a used Stihl BG85 gas blower, which ran OK at idle speeds when I purchase it, although it wouldn't run under full throttle. I disassembled and cleaned the carb with Hogwash, changed the plug, put fresh 50:1 fuel in the tank, and now it won't start at all! When I opened up the carb, the Welsch plug fell out of the assembly. I have reinstalled it, and thoroughly flushed all the carb ports with hogwash. The unit primes dramatically better than it previously did, but it won't start. I am getting good spark (I grounded the plug to the head and pulled the starter). If I try to start it too many times, a fuel mix starts to discharge out of the spark arrestor. Compression seems good. Help! I am losing my mind.

Hi Glenn,

If spark is okay then it probably is fuel related.  Fuel coming out of the exhaust, indicates flooding, especially if the spark plug is wet.  You might need a carb kit.
Another possibility may be low compression or bad ignition timing.

Let me know how you make out.