Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Two cycle engine, bad reed valve, reed valve, exhaust ports

If a reed valve on a lawnboy engine is bad, how would the engine run, or would it run.  Exhaust ports are clean and clear, muffler is not clogged, flywheel key is perfect, the motor has compression, the governor and carb are working fine, ignition has a good blue spark, has a new spark plug.  Engine runs but just dogs has no pep
will not increas speed.

Hi Marty,

A bad reed valve would usually backfire from the carb, run very poorly or not run at all.  On some Lawn Boys you can increase the running speed at the carb.  Check to see if the throttle plate is opening up all the way.  Also check the mixture screw, it may be set too rich.  You don't mention it but I assume you checked the air filter.

Let me know how you make out.