Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Snowblower Runs Poorly, mix oil, snapper snowblower

Hi Michael,

I bought a used Snapper snowblower - LE 3170R - at a garage sale for $20 last year. Guy said it wouldn;t run. I took the carb off, did some cleaning (full of gum) and got it running, but it lacks adequate power to move snow. Runs so rough it doesn't generate enough power.

Took the carb off again yesterday and soaked with Gumout every place I could. Still runs lousy, but better. Changed the plug also.

Feel like I have gum or something somewhere but am baffled. Any idea how I can solve this?

Side notes

I am now using a multi use type oil/gas  mix - oil says one mix ratio works for 32/1 and 40/1. Last year when it ran poorly I was using a straight 32/1.

Also, if I override the throttle governor (hold open with my finger) I get a lot more power (or at least rpm), but there is no place to adjust the rpm that I can see.  

Hi Kerry,

The poor power and running could be caused by gum or debris still in the carb.  If only one small opening is clogged you will have problems.  Re-check each and every opening, probing with a small wire.  A carb rebuild kit wouldn't hurt either.  Check the fuel filter, which may be in the tank if not inline.  If the problem is in the governor, a new spring might help.  Compression could be low or the exhaust port might be carboned and clogged.  Look at these areas and let me know how you make out.  The oil mix is best at 40:1
