Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): Toro Lawnmover starts but dies as soon as blade is engaged, help!, spark plug wire, self propelled lawnmower

I have a very old (15+ years) Toro 3 speed self-propelled lawnmower.

Friday I was cutting the lawn, everything was working fine and the mower just died on me, actually thought I had run out of gas.

It sounded a little odd just before but I didn't think anything of it.

Plenty of gas in it, but the oil was really low, I have been negligent in checking it. Added the correct amount of oil.

Now I can get it to start fine but as soon as I pull the lever down and up to engage the blade with the transmission in neutral the engine dies. I thought maybe it was overheated so I let it sit to the next day. Started fine again, engaged the blade, worked for maybe a minute and died again.

I can start it and engage the transmission and walk it around the yard fine but as soon as I start the blade, it stops!

Any ideas, before I take it off to the reapair shop?

Thanks for any help!

Hi Michael,

If it was low on oil, then engine damage may have occurred, resulting in insufficiant power to operate the blades.  Before giving up on the engine, I would check a few other things.  Check the underside of the deck for a buildup of grass.  (Disconnect the spark plug wire before scraping around the blade.)  Finally, check the blade engagement/drive system for something that is placing an extra load on the blades.

Let me know how you make out.