Subaru Repair: subaru outback fuel filling problem, subaru outback, gas tank

I am having a problem at the gas pump. When filling the gas tank on my 2001 Outback, the fuel spills on the ground when filling the tank. If I pump only one quart every minute the fuel slowly darins into the cars tank. It takes a long time to fill the tank at this rate. I was quoted over $450 to fix whatappears to be a partially plugged in auto fill pipe. Is there any test, inspection, or check that might verify the cause of this frustration?


There is nothing I can walk you through your self to verify a problem with venting.

There are tests that can be performed that involve energizing solenoids with the Subaru Select Monitor.  But after that there are more test, because gas is flammable and bad for the environment when spilled on the ground there is no way I am going to suggest you do anything other than have it fixed asap.
