Towing Issues: towed or stolen, indiana bmv, hamilton county court

My car was at my apartment. The Indiana BMV no longer gives out stickers for Plates they mail them. My car was towed for invalid plates, however according to the police, The BMV and Hamilton county court,my plates are in compliance because they had been purchased and are valid while the bmv mails out new sticker. The car has been towed and damaged in the tow. how should I go to pick it up? With the police as stolen property? Thanks

Well sorry to hear that you ran into a problem with "government efficiency"

I personally think that tags via mail is not a good idea. But its one government agency supporting another (post office)government office.

Now as to how to get your money back, which you will have to pay to get the vehicle out.

In some areas your vehicle can be towed for expired tags by your home owners association (HOA), your condo or apartment complex due to regulations - convents which say "no expired tags" or even by the police department as  "abandoned vehicle".

I do not know who had it towed, so that will be a guess on my part, but I think it would be the expired tags part of your lease - rental contact.

Now if the police department had it towed under their authority then you might have a hearing option. If it was ordered by the apartment management then you have the "small claims option" available to you.

But then again suing your management where you live, can make it a bit rough to live there at later times if something happens.

As to the damage, talk to the tow company and document all of it. Get repair estimates and see if they will take responsibility of it. If not then small claims works there also.

Good luck.