Towing Issues: electric brake controller, electric brake controller, trailblazer ext

Please help. I have a 2006 Trailblazer EXT with a towing package. The problem I am having is locating the location for the electric brake control adapter. According to the manual, the plug is somewhere under the instrument cluster. I can't seem to find it. The adapter I have is supposed to make the job easier(no splicing and taping). Thank you in advance

When we did this on a Tahoe, the instructions that came with the wiring adapter showed exactly where to find the plug.

I don't have that anymore, but I bet your Chevy dealer has the info in the factory service manual.

Also, a check of the internet had one person removing a cover near the steering column  and finding the necessary wires.  As far as I know the connector should be on the left side of the dash, left side of the steering column.  May have a paper tag on it to help identify it.  

And of course the factory wiring adapter will have the companion end of the plug so you should be able to see what size and general shape it is.   

If you have trouble looking under the dash, use a mirror and bright trouble light.
