Towing Issues: towing on a red zone, city fire department, tow truck driver

I parked my car on a red zone at an apartment complex for about 3 minutes at the most. When I came back outside the towing company was there already taking my car. They charged me $60.00 I wanted to know If It's legal for a tow company to go around places to check and see who is parked wrong? No one from the complex called.

Thank you.

Well,  I got to say that in all my years of towing vehicles I know that some companies practice patrol or predatory towing.  That is where they are under contract with the apartments and business to cruise though the lots and remove vehicles that are parked illegally.  

Yeah  I have worked in that kind of business also.

Now Red Zone usually means  " FIRE LANE " and that is a big touchy subject in apartments..  For example , when I was working in portland oregon, the city fire department would fine the apartment $500.00 per vehicle in fire lanes that they caught.  Yeah they had firefighters driving around in cars and pickups checking..
It did not matter if you were there 10 seconds or 10 hours, if it was there you got towed and they got fined..

Now the fee you were charged sounds like what is called a drop or relase at scene fee.  It is usually 1/2 the normal impound hook up fee.   

Now there are some towing companies that get over zealous and do get real agressive. But it sounds if the time you stated is true you really caught the luck of the draw with him being real close to checking the complex. I know that sounds bad, but he also could of been on the other side of town.

There are growing cities, who are trying to regulate the practice of patrol towing.  This is both good and bad for both the car owner, tow truck driver, and the property manager or owner.

Now I am going to take a guess, but you are in California and they have alot of changes happening to their rules, regulations and laws.  What I say today might be way outdated tomorrow. But the basic answer is that yes it is legal to go check places IF they have a contract with the complex..