Towing Issues: Storage charges, california vehicle code, calender days

I had a question about the california vehicle code i hoped you might be
able to answer.  My car was recently towed at an expense of 230 dollars.
150 for the 8 mile tow and 80 dollars for the two days of storage.  My
vehicle was only stored for 20 hours over 2 calender days.  I interpreted
the code as saying that the towing company could only charge me for one
day of storage because it was less that 24 hours.  It also stated than in
the event of excess charges I would be entitled to four times the charge.
I wanted to know if I am interpreting the code correctly and also wanted
to know who i should contact.  Thanks for any help.


You are correct in your interpretation of the code for California.  A tow company can only charge one day storage for the  first 24 hours. Therefore, if they are found guilty of violating the law, in a civil court, they could get a judgement of 4 times the amount that the claimant paid.  The storage amount does seem high by today's prices.  The average storage is around $20-$25 a day.  Check with your local City Hall to see if your area has any price controls on tow companys.  Their are usually two types of pricing. Police tow and private tow.  Police tow is usually set prices, controlled by local ordinance.  Private towing is deregulated and could be much higher.

Good luck,
