Toyota Repair: 1999 Toyota PreRunner misfire, toyota prerunner, cylinder number

QUESTION: Code P0305

Changed:  Spark Plugs, Plug Wires, Gas Cap, Fuel Filter.

Still misfires on Cyl. 5 and 2
Engine light on.
Problem seems to get worse when engine heats up.

ANSWER: Hello, what diagnostic trouble codes do you have? I need the code numbers.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: The Code numbers are P0300-Random Cylinder Misfire
         P0304-Cylinder number 4 misfire
         P0305-Cylinder number 5 misfire

Thank you for your help!g4bq

thanks for the reply so it's cylinders 4 and 5 not 2 and 5 as stated earlier? This is important as 2 and 5 are on the same coil which would indicate a bad coil pack, have any coils been replaced yet. If it's 3 and 4 then it could be a fuel injector problem on those cylinders.