Toyota Repair: 1992 toyota pick-up, speedometer cable, junkyard parts

QUESTION: i bought a 2wd 5sp truck, it has a 4cyl. fuel injection. it has had a older model transmission istalled, i believe its a w series from a carburetored motor, it sits back about 3 to 4 inches farther than the original. the speedometer doesn't work, i believe because the gears are different in the tranny to the speed sensor. can i change the gear on the speed sensor or will i have to change the gear in the tranny? or can it be anything be done to make it work?

ANSWER: Have you checked the speedometer cable, can you attach the drive gear to the cable and turn it and see if the speddometer moves, or you can attach a drillmotor to the cable and see if the speedo noves. As far as I know the gears are the same but not sure, are you able to install the gear into the transmission, you can verify if the gears engage by jacking up the rear wheels the with the engine running put it in gear and see if the shaft on the gear rotates.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: i have found out that the tranny came out of an 87 model 2wd 5sp with a 4cyl. carburetored motor. my 92 model doesnt have a speedometer cable, it has a speed sensor with 3 wires going to it, the wires go to the computer then to the speedometer on the dash. is there another way i can test it or try to make it work. thank you.

That's what I was afraid of,you would have to convert it over to a cable driven setup which would require changing the speedometer to the earlier configuration, you might be able to do this using junkyard parts, the only problem I see is that the computer is still looking for an input signal from the speed sensor which will probably turn the check engine light on.