Toyota Repair: Transmission Filter, lint free cloth, isuzu bighorn

Hi there, I know you are not a isuzu expert but with my 1994 V6 automatic isuzu bighorn I need to remove the filter for the transmission and I was just wondering how to do that, do I have to drain the oil? What is the name of the pan I have to unscrew. Could you please provide as much detail as possible Thanks.

I am assuming this is an automatic transmission.
The filter is inside the transmission right above the transmission pan.
You will need to drain the transmission fluid into a suitable container, preferably something wide.  The way to drain the oil is by loosening the bolts that hold the pan in place.  This can get messy.
Once the oil is drained, remove the bolts that hold the pan in place and remove the pan.
Inspect the pan.  It should have small magnets in it to catch wear particles.  Look at the condition of the fluid (Should be red colored; should not smell burnt; should not have particulate in it).  Wipe the pan with a lint free cloth.
Remove old filter and inspect transmission underneath filter.  Replace with new filter.
Replace pan gasket.
Ensure the magnets are in the pan and replace pan.
Hand tighten the bolts then tighten to proper specification with torque wrench.  Do NOT overtighten the bolts, you will warp the pan and it will leak.
Add proper amount of transmission fluid per manufacturer.
Test afterwards.

Hope this helps.
