Toyota Repair: 2007 Tacoma A/C problem, A/C, fuse

Hello, A/C does not produce any cool air.  When I switch the A/C button on and off several times, I don't hear the A/C kicking in.  Do you think it is low on refrigerant or is it Electrical?  I can't even find the access to add refrigerant.  The 10 amp fuse is fine.  I found a piece near the fuse box(looks to be a connector type part or fuse) labeled AC SKT.  Could this be the problem?  Please let me know what you think is wrong.  Thank-you for any help you can give me.---Merlon

Locate the A/C compressor.  The pulley is turned by a drive belt whether the A/C is running or not.  The difference occurs when you turn the A/C on.  A signal is sent to the A/C compressor clutch which engages to spin the compressor.
To perform an A/C test turn the A/C off.  Look at the A/C pulley.  The center should NOT be spinning.  Now, turn the A/C temp down and the fan on high.  Look at the pulley, it should be spinning.  If it is not spinning, there is probably a blown fuse or loose electrical connection.  Refer to a Haynes manual for the appropriate electrical diagram.
If it is spinning and you are low on refrigerant it will cycle incessantly; on, off, on, off, etc.

Hope this helps.
