Toyota Repair: 1994 Toyota pickup, toyota pickup truck, crank shaft

I have a 1994 Toyota pickup truck 4x4 5 speed v6 3.0 with 165000 on it. I want trailing one  day with it and i sank it and now i cant get it to turn over at all. IM pretty sure it sucked alot of water down the intake. I took off the intake and cleaned all the water out of it and the top of the motor. I took the starter out to check if it was turning and it was. so we took the plugs out and tryed to pull it to see if the motor would turn over at all but it wasn't the wheels would just locked up and dragged as soon as i let the clutch out.Than i drained the oil out and i could tell that there was water in it so now im thinking i prob. bent one of the rods or crank shaft so im thinking ill need a new motor or rebuild the one i have. I know you cant really help me out seeing im pretty sure ill need a new motor but i was just hoping to get your opinion on it


You've answered your own question, the engine took in water into the cylinders and since liquid doesn't compress you have bent some connecting rods, rebuilding the existing motor would probably cost more than getting a remanufactured or rebuilt one from an aftermarket supplier, you may also want to consider a good used engine but they seem to be somewhat scarce.