Toyota Repair: 1997 Camry alarm, toyota alarm, toyota dealer

I have just replaced the shifter cable on my neighbors 97 Camry, now it will not start.  I finally figured out that the alarm set off the starter circuit to be interupted.  I cannot figure out how to get this car to start again.  I have the keyless remote for the car and have activated the alarm and then deactivated it.  Nothing I seem to do does anything to reactivate that starter circuit.   can you please help??        ......Don

You forgot to mention if its a Toyota alarm if or an after market alarm.
If its a Toyota alarm call your local Toyota dealer or look in the
manual in the glove box. If its an after market security system
you need to contact that company and find out what you need to do, in most cases there is a re-set button under the dash.
