Toyota Repair: 1989 tarago Electrical problem, jumper wires, low beams

the lights on the my 1989 tarago do not work at all the tail lights do work, i've checked the fuses and they are fine, we just drove 250km during the night just as we got to our destination the main lights then failed but suprisingly the tail lights were fine as we only had to drive 2km further to get to the park where we are now camping we just used our tails to get there without any main lights. Do you know what the problem is or any suggestions on what it might be? Have light tester and full equiptment and a bit of knowledge about electrical issues but not full. Thankyou

It's very likely that the headlight switch is the problem, if neither high or low beams are working, check to see if there is voltage to any of the electrical terminals on the bulb connectors, if not then you may want to consider using some jumper wires directly from the positive side of the battery to the positive terminal on the back of the headlight sockets to make the lights work until you can get to a place that can help, be careful not to connect to the ground side of the terminals at the headlights.