Toyota Repair: 97 Tacoma catalytic converter, incomplete combustion, intake leak

I own a 97 Tacoma V6, 4x4, with 145k on it. It is't passing smog with too high on the HC side. I took it into the dealer for a major service and they said it needed a new catalytic converter costing 800 bucks plus labor!!! I didn't get any trouble codes from them but, the smog readout was 111@15 and ything else was well below average. I cleaned the air filter and replaced the fuel filter. Anything else you might suggest before buying a new cat??

I can't agree with the dealer's diagnosis, first of all an inefficient converter would cause a check engine light. High HC readings are caused by unburned fuel that is emitted through the exhaust because of incomplete combustion, so before replacing the cat the engine should be inspected for an engine misfire or a cylinder that is inefficient which could be caused by low compression or an intake leak or even a leaking valve, the problem is more likely to be the engine than the cat.