Toyota Repair: transaxle shifting problem, toyota rav4, toyota dealership

I have a 2002 Toyota RAV4 with 123,000 miles. Automatic. The transmission won't shift properly when the engine and powertrain is good and warm. At low speeds it sometimes won't down shift from 2nd to 1st gear; it hangs up in 2nd or somewhere between 1st and 2nd, causing the vehicle to lurch as it very roughly drops in and out of the lower gears.  At highway speeds, no problems.
  Toyota dealership says scan of PCM/ECM shows no P codes are stored. TSB TC002-06 describes my vehicle's condition well. Apparently, this is a common problem for this vehicle; there are hundreds of complaints on the intenet forums describing this condition. Any suggestions would be helpful.
Chuck Butler

The service bulletin states that a harsh shift and/or DTCs are stored, even if there are no trouble codes the bulletin still applies, the only problem is that it's covered for 80,000 miles which would mean the ECM replacement would be at your expense.