Toyota Repair: timing belt broken, timing belt pulley, crank pulley

we have 12/93 camry287000ks 5sfe engine auto.we have replaced the timing belt,oil seals and now there is no compression can there be any other damage to the engine,and does the key way notch on the crank have to point to the top of the engine or to the top  as if you where looking with wheel removed because that puts out my 0 marks on timing cover out.

There can be no damage to the engine even if the timinb belt breaks, it sounds like the cam timing is still off, the keyway on the crankshaft should point up, there is a mark on the front engine housing near the bottom timing belt pulley, there is also a small notch on the edge of the pulley which should be lined up with the mark on the engine, a common mistake is that the engine is not on the #1 cylinder so make sure the #1 piston is all the way up with the marks aligned, if those marks are hard to locate then temporarely install the lower timing cover and the pulley, line the pulley mark up with the zero mark on the cover, then remove them and make a mark on the crank pulley and the engine block. The camshaft gear has a small hole in it, this hole must be lined up with a notch on the top part of the front camshaft bearing housing with the tensioner released and the belt tight.