Toyota Repair: EFI Fuse, fuse box, o2 sensors

I have a 1993 toyota pickup and i keep blowing the EFI fuse and i have trouble shout from the ECM to the tank and the ECM to the fuse box.  If you have any info or or know something else i can try cause right now i think the problem is in the ECM but i dont want to spend the money if i dont have to.

It's unlikely that the ECM will cause the fuse to blow, if it drew mare than 15A current the ECM would fry instantly and the problem would not be intermittent. This fuse supplies power to a few circuits including the injectors, igniter, O2 sensors, relays etc.
It also supplies 12v to the TE1 terminal of the check connector(white/red wire),There may be a short to ground in that wire, you didn't say how often the fuse blows so I'll need to know if it blows instantly or how long does it take to blow again after replacing the fuse. In the meantime check for a short to ground at the TE1 terminal with an ohm meter.