Toyota Repair: Alternator/Battery, good shape, good question

After the bad alternator has been replaced, does the battery needs to be changed as well? (assuming the problem was with the alternator only.)  My car is at the dealership right now and I am afraid the mechanic may come up with all kind of "suggestions".

Thank you so much!

This is a good question!
The battery does not need to be replaced because an
alternator is bad. Assuming the battery is in good shape and holds a charge it will be fine. Now, I've seen batteries replaced when the alternator is the problem, and alternators replaced when the battery
is the problem, that's why it's so important to have a reputable
mechanic test the system first. Unfortunately, there are too many
back yard mechanics and professional parts replacer mechanics in this world, they guess at the cost of the customers wallet. Then of course
there are the shops that want to replace everything from the windshield down.
