Toyota Repair: door handle on 1997 Camry, linkage mechanism, toyota camry

Mr. Ritter,

Hope you can help. I have a 1997 Toyota Camry with broken exterior handle on front driver's side.

Thanks to various postings here and elsewhere, I had no problem removing the inside door panel, and not much problem removing the old door handle assembly.

Also I was able to get the new door assembly installed EXCEPT I have not been able to attach the linkage mechanism to the door handle with the yellow plastic piece. If you've done this job before, you know exactly what I'm talking about.

What I'm trying to do, and if this is wrong please tell me, is to place the yellow plastic piece at the correct position on the end of the linkage, and then push the end of the linkage (with plastic piece still there) through the hole on the door handle mechanism where's it's supposed to attach.

Because I can't get much leverage, and there's not enough space to work any tools in there, I can't get enough force to get the plastic piece/linkage pushed through the hole.

I've tried to attach the linkage to the door handle assembly first, before securing the door handle assembly with the bolts; although this gave me slightly more working room, it wasn't enough to get the job done.

By any chance, am I supposed to insert the yellow plastic piece into the hole on the door handle mechanism, and THEN push the linkage through? I didn't try this because I don't think the linkage will go through if the yellow plastic piece is already in place, and it would be quite difficult to get the yellow plastic piece out to start all over again.

Any suggestions are enormously appreciated.

The yellow clip has to be inserted into the door handle first, then the control rod is pushed into the opening and then the yellow clip retainer is rotated to lock on to the control rod, there is a hole about an inch big in the door it may be covered, removing the cover will provide access so that a screwdriver can be inserted to push on the clip and move the clip to lock on.