Toyota Repair: Trouble starting and car died 99 Toyota Celica, toyota celica, starter problem

Recently, I have been having trouble starting my car.  It happened for the first a week ago.  I tried to turn and nothing.  It was as if the battery were dead.  Then 5 minutes later it starts and runs fine.  Then, the yesterday, same thing.  Then today, it was fine, and I was driving someplace.  I noticed when I started the car, something was wrong because when I turned the lights on, it caused a problem with the radio.  Then I drove about 1/4 mile and the car just completely died when I tried to use a turn signal.  Tried to start it up again, and nothing.  Then two minutes later, it started up and was fine.  I drove it home and it died when I pulled in my garage and turned the lights off.  I think it is an electrical or starter problem.  Ahy help?


sounds like you have an electrical problem, probably with a bad connection at the battery.  many times, people look at the terminals on the battery and say, 'they look fine' when there's corrosion between the battery terminal and the post.  i have also seen the battery post break free from the lead plates inside the battery case (can't see it) and when the car weight shifts, the post will seperate and cause all sorts of weird electrical problems.  check out your connections at the battery, you'll probably find your problem.  btw, if you go to start it and it just "clicks" one time, you could have bad starter contacts.  its common on most toyota vehicles.  start small and work through....