Toyota Repair: 1988 4runner electrical, negative cable, engine harness

Hi, I have a prob with my '88 4runner. It has happened before,  I thought I had it fixed, but now it is back.  The tach,fuel,temp and oil guages have quit, along with the radio.  It is lacking in power whenever this occurs, as well as erractic shifts (auto)  I am suspecting the "main engine connection" in the harness (since according to my Chiltons) as all these seem to harness into the main connection.  I messed with the dash light dimmer before, and it came back to life, but it isnt working this time.  Any ideas please?  I dont know where to look for the main engine harness connection..  Thanks
MrBill  4:45 PM Sunday West Coast

it could be a lot of different issues, esp with older cars with higher milage.  sounds like you're fighting a bad ground problem.  be absolutely sure the ground terminal on the battery is clean, (look at the inside of the 'loop' on the terminal).  also, make sure the ground strap is hooked to the body and engine of the car. (just follow the negative cable from the battery and make sure it is hooked to the body)  if everything is good, make sure the engine ground is good from the engine block to the body.  i had an '86 that did something similar and the ground from the engine to the body was rusted....