Toyota Repair: tranny, castrol oil, wont move

i have a 91 camry le automatc.i knew that the tranny fluid needed to be
replaced and the oil changed but at the time i just added two bottles of castrol
oil in the engine and was driving it to get the car servised when i got there i
found out that the car would not go into reverse.when i shift it to reverse the
white light comes on in the back indicating its rady to reverse but the car wont move it will stay in one place and when i shift it into neutral it
starts driving.what is the problem and how much would it normally cost to fix? can i fix it myself?


It sounds like your shift cable is either stretched out or maybe the bracket came loose on the transmission.  It probably is not a big problem to fix, but until you get it fixed I would park using the parking brake since it may not being going into park all the way.