Toyota Repair: tercel a/c, problem thanks, tercel

My daughter has a 1994 tercel 1.5 liter, 160k.After I had finished replacing the clutch and timing belt on it. The a/c is messed up now.The engine runs fine, but when the a/c switch is closed it runs real rough and the compressor makes a lot of racket. I also noticed the a/c relays making a lot of clicking sounds when this is happening. My manuel doesn't give enough detail to troubleshooting this problem. Thanks for your help.

If it happened right after you finished working on it , maybe you dented the pulley and it cant engage properly.
If you tipped the compressor for a long time, the oil may have run into the lines and the comp is siezing up due to lack of refridgerant oil in the comp.The clicking is the system responding to the engine slowing down and its trying to turn on/off the AC clutch.
