Toyota Repair: 92 Toyota truck blower motor and overheating, coolant leaks, phillips screwdriver

Hello Sir,
My 92 V6 Toyota truck: the blower motor housing is accessible? where are the 3 screws? underneath the housing? I have a giant black box connected to the blower motor housing. This box contains the heater core. Can I remove the blower motor without removing this entire black box? Also, having problems with overheating on hills or elevation changes. My heater won't work at all. Is the core clogged? You may post this question on the site.
Thank you very much,

The blower motor can be removed without removing the heater core, remove the glove box and the metal brace, the three screws are on the bottom of the heater blower motor, they can be remove with a phillips screwdriver or an 8mm socket.
The overheating is most likely caused by a partially clogged radiator or a headgasket leaking, if there are no external coolant leaks.