Toyota Repair: 1984 ST 141 Corona Sedan, annoying problem, deceleration

Hi Ted,  My st141 has an annoying problem. Vehicle starts okay, runs well, then for no apparent reason the revs will die,and engine will falter, then recover,all is well. Then on other times complete trip, AOK, stop, hour later start car , great, drive away, all appears fine, then no reason, when comming to stop say at lights, vehicle will stop, will have to wait, 15 mins, after a few cranks will fire up, AOK,untill the next time, usually weekly interval, any ideas please . Vehicle in good state of repair, maintenance as per the book.

I need to know if it has a carburetor or if it's fuel injected and I might be able to help, I can't promise anything, there is not much information left in my memory for a car that is 21 years old, but I'll try.
When the engine dies is it at idle, deceleration or just cruising along.