Toyota Repair: Windshield washer neon lights, windshield washer, neon lights

Hello Mr. Ritter,
I have a 1998 Toyota Camry LE-4 Cylinder. I am interested in installing a set of windshield washer neon lights. I am not sure how to connect the wiring to the headlight electrical system so that it turns on when I switch on the headlights. I have the Haynes repair manual for my car, but it doesnt really show how to access the electrical system. The neon light itself has a red and a black wire. The neon lights manual only says to connect the red wire to the driving light switch and the black wire to the chassis. Any help you can provide will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

The black wire needs to be connected to a ground point, connect it to anywhere on the body,connect the red and black wire from the neon light to either headlight's yellow and red wire near the headlight connector, splice into the wire and leave it connected to the headlight connector, this should make the neon lights work whenever the low beam is on.