Toyota Repair: 89 Toyota 5 spd trans 22RE engine, nylon bushings, clutch master

I have trouble shifting into 3rd and 4th gears. I can double clutch and get the tranmission to from 2nd to 3rd and 3rd to 4th.  It is very difficult to down shift though, even with double clutching.  The gear shift lever doesn't appear to go the complete range.  IE, 3rd gear doesn't go as far forward as 1st and 5th.  Likewise 4th doesn't go as far back as 1st and reverse.  I had a complete clutch assemby installed an it didn't help this problem.  The truck had 90k miles. If it is a synchonizer, should I replace them all?  Could it be the nylon(?) bushings or a bent shifting fork?  

Sounds to me like the shifter seat and bushing has bit the dust, i'm sure you had or checked the clutch master and slave cylinder when the new clutch was installed.  It's easy to check the seat and bushing,take the knob off move the boot at each conner till you see the bolts(watch it the plate is sharp) after you get them out slide it up at the base of the shifter you will see a cap, under this cap is a spring I take a flat blade and push down turning counterclockwise, it pops up,pull shifter out if you see a bunch of ground up black stuff this was your seat. Hint: if this has never been replaced get them first at a Toyota dealer, here they run about 20.00 for seat and bushing even if there is some bushing left you will think yourself by replacing it now.  If the bushing is gone then the ball has been wearing out the socket you can get this for about 100.00. We charge 1 hr labor to replace the seat and bushing, use a vac to get the old seat out, look at the new seat, you will see the bottom has a rubber base, remove the old one it will still be there, don't worry about the old seat gettin in the trans it won't hurt anything.  Hope this helps.