Toyota Repair: 92 Camry A/C and one other question..., camry v6, remanufactured units

Hi Ted,

I have a 92 Camry V6 Sedan (160k) that I brought in to the local dealer to have the expansion valve replaced.  They replaced it, and 2 weeks later it was out of freon again.  Took it back, couldn't find a leak, put more in, and dye.  2 weeks later, all gone again, but they said that the compressor is leaking at the "4th seal".  I found somewhere online saying that the 92 had an issue with the "front seal" and that it was easy to replace.  Any idea what this would entail?  Somewhere I could go to find directions, etc?

second brief question, I'm getting a clicking noise from the front left wheel while the car is moving.  Not just corners.  just click click click, varies with vehicle speed.  I've checked for rocks under the hubcap, as well for any in the tire, but the sound seems to be more rapid than the tire is making a full revolution.  Any ideas?

We do not repair a/c compressors we replace them with remanufactured units, I have never heard of the issue with the front or rear seal or the 4th seal( no idea what that is)if there is a problem with the compressor( I have a feeling there isn't and the problem is elsewhwere) but I'm giving the benefit of the doubt and presume they are correct about the compressor leaking, in that case replace it.
The clicking noise is either caused by the brake pads being worn or a bad wheel bearing.