Toyota Repair: Engine Light, input sensors, scantool

All of the sudden, my engine light in the dashboard came car is  Camry XLEV6.'99. However, my car runs just fine. All my electrical system is working O.K.
What would you say it is? Suggestions? I have about 70k miles. This has never occurred before.

Thank you.  

Check engine lights are for the most part emission control related so even though you don't notice any driveability problems the computer has picked up a fault signal from one of it's input sensors.
You need to have the trouble code retreived from the computer, this is done with a scantool hooked up to the ecu, either the toyota dealer or a shop that has the scantool can get the code and make a recommendation as to what needs to be repaired, I highly recommend a Toyota dealer for this.
I don't know where you live but if there is an AutoZone parts place near you they will loan you the tool at no charge so you can actually get the code yourself, then contact me again and I can tell you what needs to be done but be very specific as to what the code number is and the short text display describing what the problem area is.