Toyota Repair: Parking Brake, parking brake cable, toyota tercel

I have a 1995 2 door Toyota Tercel.

I changed the brake pads (front) and shoes(rear).  No problems were encountered.  Brakes work very well and there is no more squealing.  

My problem is my parking brake no longer works.  What did I miss?

When I reassembled the rear brakes I used the assembled side as a guide.  As I mentioned the brakes work very well and have a good feel to them when braking.

I adjusted the nuts that are located by the handbrake handle and they tightened the handbrake but again it did nothing to actually make the parking brake work.  I hope I gave you enough information.

If the parking brake worked before you replaced the rear brakes I would assume that the problem was created at that time, it's possible that you did not engage the parking brake cable on the brake shoe lever, remove the drums and make sure the parking brake lever is connected to the cable.