Toyota Repair: Toyota pickup transmission removal, clutch pressure plate, input shaft

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Question -
I'm trying to replace the clutch on my 87 toyota pickup, 2wd and i've gotten the transmission maybe 3 inches away from the engine, but now its stuck. the clutch housing keeps running into the walls and i dont want to lower it for fear of bending something, am i meant to separate the clutch housing from the shift lever housing? How do i get it out? HELP!?
Answer -
Hello Nate, welcome to my expert page.
I'm trying to remember without looking at a manual, I think on this one the crossmember is not removeable so I'll give you instructions based on that assumption if it's different let me know.
tp get the trans out you have to remove the shift tower completely by removing the shift boot and taking it out through the opening, you also need to remove the rear transmission mount, this will give enough room to slide the transmission back and then by tilting the front of it down past the rear of the engine, you may have to use some prybars, it's a tight fit, let me know if this works.

you're correct there's an immobile crossmember, everythings disconnected and my concern is that if i pry too hard i'm going to bend something, should i tilt the shift section  up and the clutch housing down? will that damage anything? i mean the thing is wedged and there is the shaft from the engine throught the clutch, anything i need to woory about? or just slowly yank it out.

like I said there is not much room, try to get the back end of the trans up as high as you can, as long as the trans input shaft is clear of the clutch pressure plate you can pry it down and out, the only other solution would involve removing the motor mount bolts and let the engine move forward just enough to clear.