Tractor Repair: mitsubishi 1650D, blown head gasket, burning oil

I have a problem with my tractor not cranking,it act like it is getting too much fuelwhen trying crank it because the smoke rolls out the exhaust.I can pull with a vehicle to start and it runs OK but the exhaust still smokes really bad.It does not use any oil.
Thank You for helping

You need to watch for the color of the smoke. If it is white then it is probably a blown head gasket or such allowing water to enter your cylinders. If it is a heavy black smoke then it is going to be  overfueling as you said it wasn't burning oil. Same principle liquid sitting in the cylinder won't turn over because,you can't compress a liquid. Careful you might end up bending a rod if this the case. Take out the injectors or spark plugs and turn over the engine see if something comes out of the holes. Start there if all that is ok then we still have a fuel problem and also electrical.