Tractor Repair: Ford 3000 diesel pump, ford 3000, full tilt

I serviced my Ford 3000 and it started ok. but then the rev's just run away at full tilt. I had to kill it with the cutoff switch.  now the tractor does not want to start.  also the "choke" knob does not stay in ? any help please


  If this is a rotary CAV pump, the governor in the injection pump has failed, or if this is an inline Simms pump, the fuel rack is probably stuck or the governor has failed.  Because of the shut off knob problem, I'm guessing it is a Simms pump.  Check the fuel rack first.  Remove the long cover on the side of the pump and see if you can move the fuel rack that controls each metering valve.  If it moves hard, maybe you can free it up.  If not, then the pump will have to be sent in for repairs.