Tractor Repair: 995 Case does not start, loose wire, replacement battery

Hi Martin,My name is Bub and my story goes like this. While dragging trees around my property ,one went thru the front of my tractor and destroyed my battery ( nothing else ,that I know of happened). Well I still drove it to the road and everything was normal except for the smashed battery. I went to the store and got a replacement battery along with new terminals. Put everything together and guess what I got nothing. No start , no clicking of the starter no nothing deader than a door nail. Got another battery ( new) same situation. Dead. We looked for  a loose wire you know something obvious nothing. All wires attached, we tried to jump it via starter nothing, I don't get it. It was working fine until we replaced the battery and terminals. Then the the whole tractor died. I turn the key nothing . Just wondering if you could help me trouble shoot this before I give up and take (or they come and get it) the tractor to the shop Thanks Bub

995 Case does not start Question: Hi Martin,My name is Bub and my story goes like this. While dragging trees around my property ,one went thru the front of my tractor and destroyed my battery ( nothing else ,that I know of happened). Well I still drove it to the road and everything was normal except for the smashed battery. I went to the store and got a replacement battery along with new terminals. Put everything together and guess what I got nothing. No start , no clicking of the starter no nothing deader than a door nail. Got another battery ( new) same situation. Dead. We looked for  a loose wire you know something obvious nothing. All wires attached, we tried to jump it via starter nothing, I don't get it. It was working fine until we replaced the battery and terminals. Then the the whole tractor died. I turn the key nothing . Just wondering if you could help me trouble shoot this before I give up and take (or they come and get it) the tractor to the shop Thanks Bub

Hi Bub.
Good question have been looking for a drawing to show me the lay out of the engine room but without success?
Not much of Case person but they all work much the same way, can I assume the battery is in front of the radiator and behind the grill?
Just a bit of lateral thinking: -
So my thoughts run along the lines of was the radiator damaged and lost all its water—thus causing over heating? You may not have noticed this at the time being more concerned with the damaged battery.
As you carried on working the engine may have got hotter and hotter, and may well have seized! I hope not, but can you turn the engine slowly by hand even just a few degrees of rotation will confirm this one way or the other. If there is not a hole to insert a starting handle, you could try towing the CASE with another vehicle the, CASE  being in gear. . I will leave it like this until I hear from you again.
You did put the battery back in the same + - connections? Just a thought.
How is the engine oil level also?

