Triumph Repair: steering, triumph spitfire 1500, steering wheel


Thanks for the heads up on the bumper swap just a couple of days ago.  I am continuing to check.  One more question (for now).  (1979 Triumph Spitfire 1500)  How much play should be in the steering wheel.  I am getting about a 1/2"-3/4" swing either way at the steering wheel until it starts to turn the rack, and wheels.  Albeit, not very much (about an 1/16" on the column at the splines) Not sure if it would be in the flex coupling assembly or stripped splines on the column going into the rack??? Or like many other cars...there is just a little play in the steering wheel.  I hope not the later as I enjoy a very tight steering car.

Hi Billy,
That is too much free play. I always start at the rack and have someone move the free play only while I watch the shaft at the rack first and continue up towards the steering wheel until you find where the free play is. You should have just about NO free play in the steering.