Triumph Repair: spitfire 1500 - diff colapsible spacer, Spitfire, differential

hi, im currently changing my diff oil seal on the propshaft end, my question relates to the collapsible spacer itself and how it actually works. does the spacer physical compress when nipped up and will not re-spring when loosened off (one go only - as it were)? or is the spacer flexible - hence as long as it is not compressed over its flexible limit (torque) will it return to its original length, therefore allowing you to remove and nip up as desired? i ask because i assume mine is ok but not sure and do not want to change it if possible, if it looks ok can i assume refitting the spacer will have sufficient spring?


The collapsible spacer does compress when initially torqued, then it stays at it's collapsed dimension.   It replaces a stack of shims that was used to preload the pinion bearings.

The factory recommended procedure for replacing the pinion seal is to mark the pinion shaft and nut and count the number of turns exactly required to remove the nut.   Replace the pinion seal, then replace the nut, tightening the exact same number of turns and to the same spot.   That should maintain the correct preload on the bearings.

