Triumph Repair: 1979 Spitfire 1500, roadster factory, speedway motors

Hi, I have 1979 spitfire 1500. Originally the car belonged to my dad and when he bought it the original seats where kinda beat and he had someone replaced them from some other make of car. They are very comfortable but they are to high and my head hits the convertible top. I want to buy original seats or kind of generic can that would fit. I'm willing to pay whatever I been searching with no luck. Do you know where I can find them. Thanxs

Hi Ismael,
Have you tried Moss Motors, The Roadster Factory, Victoria British, Engel Imports or British Parts North West for the original seats? They all have web sites and toll free numbers.

Another option would be to purchase a set of race car seats and adapt them to the carriage that makes the seats adjust forward and aft. Most race car seats sit right on the floor but don't usually have any adjustment components. Speedway Motors has them and many others can be found by just putting "Race car seats" in a Google Search.